[MEMBER SPONSORED] Summer Mediation Training

Fridays & Saturdays, 4 weekends/8 days
July 7 - July 29, 2023
8:30am - 12:20pm

Location: Remote
Tuition: $559 (3.2 CEU)

Provides a highly interactive training to become a mediator and to develop better communication skills in conflict situations. Learn to use mediation skills to help resolve conflicts in workplace, court, business or community-related disputes. Attorneys can receive CLEs through Oregon State Bar Association. Coaches are used in classes when there are more than 10 attendees.

Instructor: Tsipora Dimant
Tsipora Dimant has been a mediator for the past 30 years. She is currently in private practice mediating workplace, divorce, family and business-related disputes. She also provides contracted training in Conflict Resolution and Mediation Skills for Managers.

pcc.edu/communityed | 971.722.6266